Tecomak Environmental Services have over 20 years’ experience of offering a consistently high-class service for healthcare providers. Among the most important of these relate to the Health Technical Memoranda guidelines laid down in various documents by the Department of Health.

Here we look at why meeting these standards is so important, which areas of hospitals and healthcare buildings they apply to, and how our HTM compliance services can help you meet all the regulatory requirements.

Why it is Important
Hospitals and healthcare buildings, including those in the private sector, all have to meet extremely high safety standards. HTM compliance is essential to maintain a consistently high and well-regulated air quality. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria and infection between people who may be vulnerable to diseases like measles, influenza, the norovirus and Legionnaire’s Disease.

Some patients, such as those with neutropenia, require a higher than usual air quality to protect them from environmental sources of infection.

The HTM guidelines protect members of staff and visitors as well. For instance, HTM 03-01 also looks at the methods of controlling the casual exposure of staff to anaesthetic substances.

What it Applies To
HTM 03-01 is the most important Health Technical Memorandum which applies to hospitals and all healthcare buildings. It specifically includes what are known as critical ventilation services in areas such as operating theatres, isolation rooms or units, intensive care or high dependency units, neonatal care units, aseptic facilities, sterile services units, magnetic resource imaging (MRI) and CAT scans (computed tomography scans).

Any system classified as a local exhaust ventilation system under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations of 2002, such as fume cupboards, also have to meet these standards.

What Testing is Involved

The procedures involved are highly specialised. They involve looking at air volumes and air change rates, to make sure that air is flowing correctly. Testers also need to ensure that any pressure stabilisers and diffusers fitted in the ventilation system are clean and working efficiently. Filters are also checked to make sure they are functioning properly. HTM 03-01 also requires the keeping of accurate logs and a record of any inspections.

Tecomak’s Services

At Tecomak we can give you peace of mind by making sure any hospital or healthcare building you are responsible for meets all the requirements of HTM 03-01. Our experienced team of engineers meet the highest industry standards. They undergo training which has been approved by the NHS. We are also accredited by the Health and Safety Executive to carry out testing of all LEV systems.

We provide htm compliance services for all critical ventilation systems. This means we can install your ventilation system and carry out quarterly visual inspections and annual verifications, or more frequently if required. If there are any issues, we will look to repair them on the spot.

Our reports are all professionally compiled, and we keep them for a minimum of eight years. We will not charge you if you need any of them re-issued. To find out more about htm 03-01 testing services from Tecomak Environmental Services, follow the link.